Pdf Xchange Viewer Pro

Pdf Xchange Viewer Pro Portable
The licensed PDF-XChange Viewer 'PRO ', is a PDF creator in it's own right, allowing users to create PDF files directly from scanners, image files and can even take a.txt or a.rtf file and convert it to PDF or build your PDF document from scratch. PDF-XChange Viewer provides a host of useful features to go along with superior functionality in letting you view and mark up PDFs with ease. The software will open PDFs saved on your computer. PDF-XChange Viewer Pro 2.5.322.8. PDF-XChange Viewer Pro Those wishing to view PDF files on their Windows PC’s now have a choice when it comes to Viewing PDF files – the PDF-XChange Viewer is smaller, faster and more feature rich than the Adobe Reader which has until now been the Reader of choice for PDF files – we think that’s about to.